Jan 31, 2017 | Energy Medicine, Testimonials
Years ago, I began having a series of sweet dreams about my little girl. They played out as common daily scenarios…splashing playfully in the pool, exchanging funny conversations, trying on shoes at the shoe store. Each dream featured the same cherubish face with big...
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
It has been a little over 2 years since I first started having problems with my sleep. But since I left your office, I have been sleeping like a baby. Finally, I am totally loving life! I am grateful to you for your help and accuracy in assessing my imbalances. Now...
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
My wife and I wanted to conceive a child for some time; however, doctors informed us that her fallopian tubes were blocked. After an HSG (“dye test”) to determine the functionality of the tubes, we were told that In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) was our best option....
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
I did not know that I had to play a role in my own healing. Now I know how to make better choices in food selection and eating. You make remedies that help me along my journey. My back hurts less and less often. My skin is clearing up. Oh yeah, and my knees...
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
I don’t know how you do it, but my gout pain is gone. A.G., Pt. St. Lucie, FL
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
Wow. My hot flashes went from 1 every couple of hours to less than one a week. I hardly notice them now. Thank you for the needed relief. S.H.R., Philadelphia, PA
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
Thank you for getting me on the right track. You referred me to a Chiropractor that helped me when all other MDs, acupuncturists and physical therapist told me that I had a rare muscle disease and that they could not help me. Now I come to you to keep my back straight...
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
Thank you for being there for me. My feelings of anger are gone. I am more productive and I feel free. Your shiatsu has given me a sense of inner balance. I do not know how you make your remedies, but they have helped me and my family get through some tough times....
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
I feel great. I am going to continue to take your advice. My pain is gone. I am eating better. My fungus is clearing up. I know what you do works. K.O., Darby, PA
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
The eating change has been really, really good for me. Overall, so much more consistently good energy. Without trying I have shed 20 some odd lbs. I would say my chronic pain is less, and certainly my inflammatory syndrome is almost nil. R.W., Floyd, VA...
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
I’m doing really well following the eating protocol Lynise designed for me. I’ve already lost 11lbs since I saw you! L.T., VA
Feb 2, 2013 | Testimonials
My Shiatsu session with Ivan has resolved a variety of problems including sciatica, tension & stress. I feel strengthened both physically and emotionally. I’m finally pain free! Heather Garcia, RN, Floyd, VA...