Dr. Ivan Anderson, N.D.
My passion is helping people feel better. I have been helping my clients feel vibrant for 20+ years. I am a Traditional Naturopath, a Shiatsu Practitioner and a life-long student.
I have helped thousands of people just like you. I enjoy my work and feel confident about my ability to help you feel your absolute best.
I have been practicing in a small town for over 10 years. If you know anything about a small town, word gets around. You can only thrive if you do good work.
As a Naturopath, I incorporate my expertise in Energy Medicine, Shiatsu, Nutrition and Supplements, Homeopathy, Iridology, Muscle Response Testing (Applied Kinesiology), Distant Healing, pH testing, Bach Flower Remedies and Essential Oils. I am a certified Goju Ryu Renshi Grade Karate Instructor. I am a student of Touch for Health, Polarity Therapy, Tai Chi, Karate and quantum physics.
Dr. Ivan Anderson, N.D.
My passion is helping people feel better. I have been helping my clients feel vibrant for 20+ years. I am a Traditional Naturopath, a Shiatsu Practitioner and a life-long student.
I have helped thousands of people just like you. I enjoy my work and feel confident about my ability to help you feel your absolute best.
I have been practicing in a small town for over 10 years. If you know anything about a small town, word gets around. You can only thrive if you do good work.
As a Naturopath, I incorporate my expertise in Energy Medicine, Shiatsu, Nutrition and Supplements, Homeopathy, Iridology, Muscle Response Testing (Applied Kinesiology), Distant Healing, pH testing, Bach Flower Remedies and Essential Oils. I am a certified Goju Ryu Renshi Grade Karate Instructor. I am a student of Touch for Health, Polarity Therapy, Tai Chi, Karate and quantum physics.
With this combined knowledge, I can assess imbalances in the body from several different perspectives. My primary assessment tool is the Hair Analysis. Using the Hair Analysis, I develop a solution that meets your needs—Feeling Better, More Energy, Better Sleep, Less Pain and So Much More.