Make Your Good Life Great!
Health Coaching provides a positive connection — a supportive relationship — between the coach and the person who wants to make a change. That connection empowers the person being coached to recognize and draw on his or her own innate ability and resource to make lasting changes for better health and well-being.
By setting both short and long term goals and developing an action plan, a Health Coach will develop strategies to utilize your strengths most effectively. By working together to monitor progress, your Health Coach will work to maximize your potential to achieve your desired outcomes.
Common areas of interest for the health coach include stress management, weight reduction, and nutritional planning. With your Health Coach, you’ll be motivated to strive for your goals and truly optimize your current health status in hopes of a healthier future.
With a wide variety of skills in health coaching, and nutrition education, a Health Coach works with clients on issues related to their health, nutrition, and lifestyle. Through one-on-one counseling, a health coach will provide the guidance and support needed to make sustainable changes in diet, exercise routine, relationships, and daily practice. Your Health Coach has but one interest in mind: keeping you in a state of wellness, or getting you there if need be.