

Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you at the email you provided.  If you do not receive a payment receipt, please contact the program office.

Welcome to HealthyHabits.  I’m so glad you’re here.

The Healthy Habits program is designed to help you develop the tools and knowledge you need to make small, specific changes that create and support a healthy lifestyle.  Fact of the matter is, the skills you’ll learn over the next 12 weeks will help you set and achieve goals in any area of your life.

This email contains all of the information you need to make the next 12 weeks truly life changing.  Be sure to put it somewhere safe!  If you just so happen to misplace this email, that’s okay – you’ll also be able to find the information on the Healthy Habits program portal.

Your are registered for Healthy Habits 12 Week Virtual Program
Healthy Habits Program Portal:          www.healingtreehealth.com/HHProgram
Access Password:                                 hhp613
Healthy Habits Video Conference Information:
•    The dates for your Healthy Habits Video Coaching sessions are posted on the program portal. You will receive a reminder notice prior to each live Healthy Habits Hangout on your Personal Wellness Assistant app.  (see below)
•    All coaching sessions will begin at 6:30pm ET
•    Conference Access:

You will have multiple ways to participate in the live Healthy Habits Hangouts.

  1.  The live broadcast will be streamed:
    1. via your Personal Wellness Assistant desktop app
    2. on the Healthy Habits website in the Media section of the Resource Library.
    3. through Google+ Hangouts
    4. on the Healing Tree Wellness Center YouTube Channel

If you happen to miss a live Hangout session, don’t worry.  Each session will be archived in the Healthy Habits Media section of the resource library and inside of your Personal Wellness Application for you to access at your convenience.

A link to download your Personal Wellness Application will be sent to you via email prior to the start of your program.

Your Wellness Assistant  will be an important communication tool used during the program weekly videos, health news and information and other program related information.

Your next step in the program is to complete your online Health Evaluation. You will find the link to access the assessment on the Healthy Habits Program Portal.  Once you complete the assessment, you will receive a Personal Wellness Report highlighting the great healthy habits you already have, and identifying areas you may want to focus on during your Healthy Habits program.

Along with your enrollment in the Healthy Habits program, you’ll have access to the Healthy Habits Resource Library!  Use it!  There you’ll find pages and pages of reliable, up-to-date health related information.  The materials in the library are designed to help you:
•    Learn more about health topics and medical conditions that interest you
•    Learn tips and pointers to manage your health
•    Provide you with additional tools and resources that offer support and solutions.

You’ll also want to be sure to join the Healthy Habits community.  Here, you’ll find additional support, encouragement and ideas from other like-minded people who are making positive changes in their lives!

At the beginning of each week, you’ll receive a short “Get Started” video (via your Wellness Assistant) setting the tone for the week, along with a link to the Health Habits Program Portal (always found at the bottom of your Wellness Assistant App.  Simply click on the link and you’ll find a set of practices for the current week designed to help you develop the physical, physiological and mental wherewithal to successfully reach and maintain your health goals.  The weekly practice activities are color coded according to topic:  Blue – Nutrition, Green – Physical Activity, Purple -Get Inspired and Orange – Putting It All Together. The video and activities can be accessed on the Healthy Habits website and each activity worksheet can be downloaded for you to work on during the week.

The first week of the program is the most intensive from a time perspective.  The reason why is that the initial module lays the foundation for the remainder of your program.  During this week, you will define your goals, create an action plan and identify your “compelling why” that will guide and sustain you for the remainder of the program.

The remaining weeks of the program will focus on helping you to analyze, evaluate and adjust your plan, and sure up the mental prowess to successfully achieve what you’ve set out to do!

While it may sound obvious, you must actively engage in all 12 weeks of the Healthy Habits program for it to work in your life. Please invest this time in yourself. You are worth it!  Reclaiming your health and achieving your wellness goals is a process.   Make no mistake, there are no “silver bullets” or short cuts – you must do the work. If you take action and do the work, you’ll get results.

If at any time during the program you have questions, please contact our office.  You have invested money in yourself and in this program, and I want you to feel that you have invested wisely.

Remember, the decision to change your health starts with just that – a decision.  Congratulations for making the decision to create Healthy Habits!

Now go to your portal, take your health evaluation, download your Wellness Assistant – it’s time to make some Healthy Habits!

Your Healthy Habits Team!
Program Office:  540-745-3030

Become the healthiest person you know!


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