Near or Far, I Can Help
Testimonials and
Success Stories

A Healthy Pregnancy, Finally! – An Inspired Testimonial
Years ago, I began having a series of sweet dreams about my little girl. They played out as common daily scenarios…splashing playfully in the pool, exchanging funny conversations, trying on shoes at the shoe store. Each dream featured the same cherubish face with big...
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Sleeping Like a Baby
It has been a little over 2 years since I first started having problems with my sleep. But since I left your office, I have been sleeping like a baby. Finally, I am totally loving life! I am grateful to you for your help and accuracy in assessing my imbalances.
Now that I feel like I have someone who can correctly understand what’s going on with me, I really want to address all the things I have struggled with the past couple of years.
–C.W., Baltimore, MD
After Doctor’s Said it Wasn’t Possible… My Wife Was Pregnant!!
My wife and Iwanted to conceive a child for some time; however, doctors informed us that her fallopian tubes were blocked. After an HSG (“dye test”) to determine the functionality of the tubes, we were told that In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) was our best option. Several doctors collaborated and determined that any pregnancy would likely be an ectopic pregnancy. After consulting with the Wellness Center, we jumped on board with the Yeast Elimination Diet and other holistic remedies in an effort to improve our overall health. Immediately, we noticed increased energy, reduced bloating and gastric issues, and we felt wonderful. Additionally, in less than a year, we received the most exciting news—my wife was pregnant AND everything was in its proper place! Our thanks to God and to the Wellness Center! W & C. P, Jacksonville, FL
My family and I have been working with Ivan for well over a year now, on our health concerns. Ivan has helped us through all kinds of issues and won’t stop until he figures it out. He is a wonderful and talented person and we are all healthier because of him.
I Play a Role in My Own Healing
I did not know that I had to play a role in my own healing. Now I know how to make better choices in food selection and eating. You make remedies that help me along my journey. My back hurts less and less often. My skin is clearing up. Oh yeah, and my knees don’t hurt as much. Keep doing what you are doing!
—T.A., Baltimore, MD
Your Remedy Was a Godsend
Thank you for getting me on the right track. You referred me to a Chiropractor that helped me when all other MDs, acupuncturists and physical therapist told me that I had a rare muscle disease and that they could not help me. Now I come to you to keep my back straight and to help me maintain my overall health. Your remedy for my stomach pain was a Godsend. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
–A.G., Petersburg, VA
Gout Pain is Gone
I don’t know how you do it, but my gout pain is gone.
–A.G., Pt. St. Lucie, FL
Your Remedies Have Helped Me Get Through Some Tough Times
Thank you for being there for me. My feelings of anger are gone. I am more productive and I feel free. Your shiatsu has given me a sense of inner balance. I do not know how you make your remedies, but they have helped me and my family get through some tough times. Thank you again. God Bless You.
–S.S., Philadelphia, PA
I Hardly Notice My Hot Flashes
Wow. My hot flashes went from 1 every couple of hours to less than one a week. I hardly notice them now. Thank you for the needed relief.
–S.H.R., Philadelphia, PA
I Know What You Do Works
I feel great. I am going to continue to take your advice. My pain is gone. I am eating better. My fungus is clearing up. I know what you do works.
–K.O., Darby, PA
Eating Change Has Been Really, Really Good For Me
The eating change has been really, really good for me. Overall, so much more consistently good energy. Without trying I have shed 20 some odd lbs. I would say my chronic pain is less, and certainly my inflammatory syndrome is almost nil.
–R.W., Floyd, VA
Already Lost 11lbs!
I’m doing really well following the eating protocol Lynise designed for me. I’ve already lost 11lbs since I saw you!
–L.T., VA
I Am Finally Pain Free
My Shiatsu session with Ivan has resolved a variety of problems including sciatica, tension & stress. I feel strengthened both physically and emotionally. I’m finally pain free!
–Heather Garcia, RN, Floyd, VA
9 Months Later I was Pain Free
I suffered with menstrual pain for over 10 years. I had pain 5 days before and five days during my menstrual cycle. The pain was so intense that I had to drop out of school while studying to become an RN. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis and was told that I needed a hysterectomy. A friend referred me to Ivan. 9 months later I was pain free! I told Ivan that my periods are so good, I wish he could now slow them down – LOL. Thank you for the work that you do!
A.C., Philadelphia, PA
I Appreciate Your Health with “Learning My Body”
I’m back to work and doing GREAT! Much thanks to you! I can’t express enough how much I appreciate your help with ‘learning my body.’ I can’t tell you how many times I went to the family doctor with questions and they say “with some people it affects…..” I really like knowing what is going on with ME! So, thank you so very much, and I can’t wait to finish up with this remedy to learn even more!
–S.H., Philadelphia, PA
Nothing to Lose Except Getting Healthy
I came to the Healing Tree because I was tired all the time and wasn’t sleeping at night. By changing the way I eat and the things I eat, the tiredness and not sleeping is gone. The people here are very caring and really want to help you. I would recommend you trying the Healing Tree. You have nothing to lose except getting health. In today’s time, we need to work on preventative measures for our health.
I Feel Like a New Person
I have had great success at the Healing Tree Wellnes Center. I came in and 4 weeks later, I have lost weight and feel like a new person. This is a great place to come!
I Lost 5lbs and Have Much Higher Energy Levels
I came to the Healing Tree to get some help with my energy level, to lower my cholesterol and blood presure. After 5 weeks… I have lost 12 pounds and I have a much higher energy level. I am still working with Lynise on a nutritional regimen to lower my cholesterol and blood pressure. I have found her to be vey quick in addressing any questions I may have. With her continued guidance, I know I can beat the cholesterol and blood pressure isues, and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Both Lynise and Ivan are pleasant people and are great to work with.
— LT, Floyd, VA
I Have Complete Confidence in Ivan’s Work!
The Lyme Disease was my most immediate concern and that is completely gone. I am 65 years old and now have the energy that I experienced in my 20’s. My mind feels more clear and focused – not the usual fogginess that I was experiencing with post-menopause. This, in turn, creates a more positive attitude to life. The profound grief that I had experienced for the past seven years over the loss of my son has been transformed into complete acceptance and closure. I have also lost my craving for sweets and am beginning to lose weight. I have complete confidence in Ivan’s work.
–C.D., Floyd, VA
Healing is so swift!
When I first made my appointment with Lynise, I was very excited to get started on a program that would improve my health. I had acid reflux, digestive problems, arthritis in some of my joints. I knew I wasn’t eating right, nor was I sleeping well. I’m so pleased that after just a couple of months of working with Lynise and Ivan I am able to say “Thank you God for sending them to our community”. Healing here is so swift. Now, I sleep 8 or 9 hours each night, I have no acid reflux, no digestive problems and my arthritis is almost un-noticeable. Through the Metabolic Typing Nutrition Program, I found out what the right foods for me are. It’s great not to have to count calories or weigh food. I would recommend it to anyone. Ivan is so gifted through his training of Shiatsu. You can really feel the energy circulating through you. I could go on and on about the changes I’m experiencing, but GO! Find out for yourself! You will be glad you did.
–C.W., Floyd, VA
Don’t Think Twice – Make an Appointment!
Ivan’s work made me think about my first bodywork, at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur 40 years ago. I have since been blessed by some wonderful experiences, but after my recent session with Ivan I never felt better. I walked out in a haze of well-being. He is a talented and gifted practitioner of his art. Forgive me for being pushy, but: don’t think twice — make an appointment. Reducing your stress is not a luxury.
–David Lander, M.D., Floyd, VA
Can’t Find the Words To Express My Gratitude
It has taken me a long time to write this testimonial letter because I could not and still have not found the words to express my gratitude to Ivan Anderson (and the Healing Tree) for all he has accomplished toward the healing of my physical, mental and spiritual health. I no longer have continual headaches – they are gone! I don’t awaken in the night because of shoulder pain because it is no longer there! I find great relief for my fibromyalgia whenever I have a session with Ivan. Only surgery will take the pain from my stenosis, but Ivan eases the pain so I can tolerate it. Because of Ivan, I have changed my way of eating… I drink more water… all of these changes have had a great impact on my life. I thank God for the Healing Tree where the impossible is a reality!
Healing Tree Completely Turned Things Around For Me!
I had severe breathing problems as a child, and they continued into adult hood. It was almost embarrassing to go out, because I was always sniffling and snorting – I was FULL of mucus all the time. I also had indigestion something terrible. Between the chronic sinus problems and the indigestion, I was taking six different medications and still wasn’t getting any real relief. My doctor told me I wouldn’t be able to get off the meds for indigestion, so I thought I’d be taking that and allergy medicine forever! And my energy… I was good for 2 or 3 hours, then, I’d have to rest. And if I really put in a hard day’s work, I would be down for 2 or 3 days! Some friends of ours told me about the Healing Tree, so, I came looking for relief from my sinus problems and to increase my
Today, four weeks since my first visit, my sinus problems are down to nothing! No mucus at all! I’m off of ALL my allergy meds (Singulair, Claritin, Mucinex, Rhinocort and Astelin) and I’m not taking Nexium anymore. My energy levels are great and, to top it all off, I’ve lost a little over 10lbs. I’m taking extra business cards with me, because I have several friends I’m going to refer. Coming to the Healing Tree has completely turned things around for me! I feel fantastic! ~R. Wood, Ferrum, VA
Lost 13lbs… Feeling Better Than Ever
I came to the Healing Tree because I had fatigue and hair loss. I was worried because clumps of hair would be in the shower drain each day. [Ivan and Lynise recommended a Candida cleanse]. I started a gluten-free diet, gave up artificial sweeteners and caffeine and after a month (of the protocol) I feel better than ever, have lost 13 pounds and I am back in the gym working out 2-3 times a week. Prior to coming to the Healing Tree I had NO energy to even think about working out. An added bouns… I’m never hungry!
–Georgine Kamide
More Energy Than I Had in My 30’s!
I am 71 years young and want to let you know I’ve been working with Healing Tree for about 1 year. In that time, I have lost weight, don’t have discomfort when walking and have more energy than I had in my 30’s. I feel great!
Thank You For Giving Me Mobility Again!
In December 1984, I had an accident that resulted in a severe brain stem injury. I needed someone to come in every morning to get me out of bed, showered, cook breakfast… I was only able to be mobile through the use of a scooter, which I still needed assistance getting into and out of. This was my situation for over 20 years – then I met Ivan and Lynise! After working with them for 2 or 3 years I was able to stop using my scooter! I’ve been using my walker and walking everywhere! I’ve been able to get myself out of bed, showered… I even have been able to make myself breakfast It took me a little while, but I did it… Praise God!
That’s my story… I can’t go backwards!
–Eileen Macedo, TN
Big improvement in my well being
I came to the Healing Tree because my neck was constantly sore and my head would shake with a tremor like movement. It was very difficult to just “be” in my own skin. After working with Ivan and Lynise – clearing out toxins in my body – I noticed a big improvement in my well being. The shaking in my neck has decreased so much that I am able to feel more comfortable in my body. I intented to continue working with Ivan and his wife because of the positive changes that have improved my life. Thank you so much Ivan and Lynise for helping me to finally enjoy a sense of freedom within.
—L. Michaud, Floyd, VA
Thank you for being my “miracle man.”
Ivan, you are my miracle man! I had a frozen shoulder for about 8 or 9 months when I stumbled on you quite by accident. After being with you for 10 minutes I knew I was in good hands and you fixed my shoulder 100% after one visit. A lot of people claim to know shiatsu but I’ve had a lot of disappointing visits to people who claim to know but don’t. You are a master at what you do and I wish that you lived in New Jersey.
—Carol Meyler, New Jersey