Do You Experience Any of The Following?

   High Blood Pressure?

   Acid Reflux?

   Body Aches and Pains?

   Food Sensitivities

A hair analysis can lead us to bring all of these imbalances back into balance!

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Learn How To Get Your Hair Analysis!

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  • Initial Analysis
  • Appointment to Get Results
  • Remedy
  • Bonus:  Additional Analysis for food sensitivities and allergies
  • Bonus:  eBook, “The Parasites Eat First”

Frustrated With The Doctors?

Have you been searching for answers to poor health? 
Are you tired of trying drug after drug only to feel even worse than before?

The Healing Tree Wellness Center uses vibrational hair analysis to discover the “root”
of the problem and then addresses those imbalances in proprietary remedies
designed uniquely for you.  

Watch the video below to learn more about the process! 
Ivan explains the process he uses to find imbalances through vibrational hair analysis. 

Let Ivan and his staff get you started on a journey to healing.


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Sign Up To Before The Timer Counts Down and Get TWO Bonusus!








Bonus #1

Sign Up To Learn More Before The Timer Counts Down and We’ll Also Send You Our Free e-Book “The Parasites Eat First” and learn how you can live a more vibrant and healthy life.

Bonus #2

As an ADDITIONAL Bonus, we will also analyze your hair for food sensitivity and allergy identificationThis is an additional $100 value.

Your HAIR is uniquely yours.

A hair analysis allows us to discover any imbalances in YOUR body that need to be addressed.
The problem so many people experience is often that symptoms are treated, rather than eliminated.  Two people can have the same symptoms, but have two completely different problems requiring different remedies for healing.  While a general practioner may treat the symptoms and send the same medication home for each of the two individuals, we seek to get to the root of the problem, and in turn prepare a unique remedy specific to the individual.

Blood samples mold, salavia molds, but your hair does NOT!  Your hair is uniquely yours and allows us to get a “digitized” connection to you to discover any imbalances you may have.

I’m Ready!  How Do I Start
My Journey To Healing?

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Not much different than giving a blood sample at your general practicitioner’s office, taking a hair sample (5-10 strands) is a non-invasive way to access information about an individual’s unique body.
(And who really likes needles anyway, right?)

 As we all know, sometimes our bodies feel completely out-of-balance.  There is a way to test those energetic imbalances within the body and that is done with a Vibrational Hair Analysis.  In this test, the hair is analyzed to identify frequencies that correspond with imbalances in the body.  Once identified, those imbalances can be brought back into balance with one of our rememdies developed unqiuely for you.


"My family and I have been working with Ivan for well over a year now, on our health concerns. Ivan has helped us through all kinds of issues and won’t stop until he figures it out. He is a wonderful and talented person and we are all healthier because of him."

C.W. Baltimore, MD

Become the healthiest person you know!


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