Food Allergies Not So Thankful

While many look forward to the Thanksgiving Holiday and eating WAY to much food, others approach the holiday with caution for their “gut”.

They approach the great feast wondering if after all the happy eating the will have bloating, diarrhea and fatigue.  While we joke about turkey inducing a food coma, fatigue and the other symptoms mentioned are actually all symptoms of food sensitivities and allergies.

Back in early March a seven year old client came in with monthly, recurring ear infections for no apparent reason.  I asked the parents to eliminate dairy from the child’s diet and the ear infections went away immediately.

Later there was a client with weekly recurring herpes outbreaks.  The outbreaks stopped for the first time in 15 years after the food sensitivities were identified and eliminated from the diet.

Another client had reached a plateau with weight loss.  Weight loss continued once they avoided the foods that I identified as sensitivities.

Finally, an almost 90 year old client was complaining about indigestion.  I determined a sensitivity to onions.  They ate an onion sandwich for lunch every day!

Ready To Get To The Root Of The Problem?

Do you have any of the following symptoms after eating certain foods?


Bloating, Weight Loss Plateau, Brain Fog, Pain, Depression


These are just some of the symptoms caused by the ever present food allergies and sensitivities.


Do you have difficulty identifying the true culprit that seems to be robbing you of vibrant health?

How and Why Do We Get Food Sensitivities?

Let’s look at a very simple path… There are parasites, fungi and toxins that damage the tissues of your digestive tract and kill the healthy bacteria that live there.  Once the digestive tract is compromised, many ailments like reflux, irritable bowels, Crohns, food sensitivities and allergies may occur.

What are these fungi and parasites? 

How do I get rid of them? 

What toxins should I avoid?

Can they be eliminated? 

Sign-up now and we will send you my FREE eBook “The Parasites Eat First” to get the answers to these questions and learn how you can live a more vibrant and healthy life.

Take the steps to get more energy, to lose weight and to take 10 years off of your life.  Happy reading!

Get to the root of the problem… with food sensitivity testing and clearing…

Take Advantage Of Our Special Offer

Saving You OVER $200!

Get in on our special offer for food sensitivity testing and clearing.

Simply FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW and tell us you want in.  We will send you information on how to provide a hair sample.

Using a hair sample, we can assess the energetic imbalances within your body. This is based on Chinese Medicine and Applied Kinesiology and is a noninvasive way to access information about the body.

We can help you discover the root of the issues you are having and present a remedy designed uniquely for you.

What this package includes…

  • Food Sensitivity Identification and Rebalancing – worth $300
  • 6 months broadcasting – worth $354
  • 3 Follow Up Appointments – worth $150



(But that’s not what you’ll pay!)


Fill out the form below and we will send you the following:

  • the FREE eBook
  • Instructions for taking a Hair Sample
  • Intake Form
  • Secure Link for Discounted Offer

Once these items are submitted, we will be in touch (email) to schedule a date for you to get your results and get you on your way to a healthier you!

Special Offer!


  • Email with Food Sensitivity List
  • 3 follow up Emails occurring every 2 months
  • Dietary Information
  • 6 Months of Broadcasting to Address the Food Sensitivities Found

This Special Offer Package


That’s a discount of $254!!!

Two Payment Plan Options Available!

Option 1:  $300 down and 5 monthly payments of $50
Option 2:  $75 for 4 monthly payments, then 5 monthly payments of $50


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