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Near or Far, I Can Help

Healing Tree Wellness Articles

Your Gateway To Health and Wellness

Your Face Never Lies – Chinese Medicine Face Reading

Your Face Never Lies – Chinese Medicine Face Reading

Have you noticed that you have markings and lines on your face? Through Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can learn what those lines are telling you. Lines on the face are an indication that there are imbalances in the organs. Many symptoms show up on the face, many...

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Vibrant Health, No CoPays

Vibrant Health, No CoPays

What would you do if you could live pain and disease free; no headaches, no back pain, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure gone? Einstein, Tesla, Rife, Abrams and Clark are some of the doctors and inventors who were pioneers in energy medicine who laid claim to...

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The Cure For All Diseases – Book Review

The Cure For All Diseases – Book Review

Struggling with elevated blood sugar?  How about a nagging back ache or migraine headache, do you constantly have to take pain medicine for relief?  Considering chemotherapy, radiation and surgery as your only hope for cancer?   As an energy medicine...

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Healing Practices

Healing Practices

Can you bring peace to the world? Do you know that peace starts with you? How do you start your day? Do you have a daily practice that helps energize and keep you centered? This video on Healing Energy is my third video of four in the Energy Medicine series. Here, I...

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Healing Hands, You Have the Power!

Healing Hands, You Have the Power!

Can you stop a heart attack with the touch of a finger?  Do you know what a body electrician is?  Have you experience the gentle “thud” of an activator.  Get answers by watching “Healing Hands”, the second video of a four parts series on Energy Medicine. In this...

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Healing Helpers, Supporting Your Healing Journey

Healing Helpers, Supporting Your Healing Journey

Welcome, we don't want to waste a moment of your time so let’s jump right in with a presentation on Energy Medicine.  Learn some of the uses and benefits of herbs, essential oils, flower essences and Homeopathy.  (Video 1 of 4 – Healing Helpers) Enjoy! ~Ivan  ...

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